Ulrike Solbrig                          

Community Garden, 2012 130 x 120, 132 x 105, 90 x 122, 90 x 125, 80 x 125, 80 x 130, 85 x 120, 107 x 118 cm, recycled pallet wood, Nails, screws, tarpaulin

With the support of Niels Rieckert from Allmende Kontor, Ulrike Solbrig started a temporary community garden in the courtyard of Freies Museum in June 2012 as contribution for the exhibition EXTREME CRAFTS. Allmende Kontor is a networking initiative for community garden activities and urban farmers in Berlin that introduced itself with a huge community gardening project in 2011 utilizing parts of the former Tempelhof Airport.
When Solbrig realized that there was already a long list of people that where waiting to join the gardening activities in Tempelhof but couldn't join due to space constraints, she asked Allmende Kontor to extend to these hopefuls an offer which allowed them to join a workshop for building raised bed boxes at Freies Museum where they could garden for the rest of this season. 16 people turned up and got themseves involved in the arduous construction process. Niels Rieckert from Allmende Kontor provided used palettes, but those who had no experience in such tasks at first seemed lost but then relaxed and went ahead on their own accord. Their attitude evolved, if there wasn’t one proper way to do it, anything that worked was good, they couldn't fail. Some helped build the beds for friends, some stayed to garden, others eventually departed and some that were sorry that they couldn't join the initial building activities, where thankful for the empty box left over for them to garden in – a gift from strangers.

In the end the community garden moved on to be utilized by a kindergarden. Alan Marsik

Ulrike Solbrig, Germany: Chausseestr. 110-I, 10115 Berlin, call: plus vier neun eins fünf fünf sieben vier drei fünf sechs fünf sechs drei ulrike@solbrig.de

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